Can't join because of COVID-19? Don’t worry we’ll move your trip.
We want to make it easy for you to plan your next trip. From now on, change your surf and/or climb week booking with no extra costs if COVID-19 gets in the way of travel. You find out you’ve had contact with someone with COVID-19 just before you are supposed to hop on a plane? Let us know. We can move your time with us to a different date anytime in the next 3 years that suits you better. No problem and no rush! Just update us with the dates when you can plan again.
Unfortunately, we can’t offer refunds, but we adjusted our deposit from 50% to 25% for you. We only ask that you pay the rest of the amount for the booking at least a week before your arrival. You only pay when you basically know for sure that you can travel.
These rules will be in place until COVID-19 stops keeping us still. We hope this will make it easier for you to organize your next trip. We share your anticipation for the joy of waiting for a wave or the touch of the rocks again. See our Terms & Conditions for more info.

Stay healthy everywhere you go.
SaltyWay is part of the clean & save program of Portugal Tourism. We like to make your SaltyWay House a safe place and we could use your collaboration.
Please use your mask when moving around the house and when riding in the van. Disinfect your hands and keep the respectable physical distance from others in the kitchen and living room. We have both an indoor and outdoor kitchen where you can cook, and our big garden has plenty of places with space for a chat in the fresh air. We are lucky climbing and surfing are done outside so we can still enjoy what we love most. Our yoga deck is also located outside with all that fresh air circulating, so no problems there either!
We are happy to see you soon in Portugal
Julika & Team